Monday, August 19, 2013

Weakness and Strategy

Phrases that frequently tumble in my mind,
"The more words, the less meaning; how does that profit anyone?"
"In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength."

These phrases spark the questions, "Is communication important? Does my 'voice' matter? Does my desire to communicate and connect produce anything profitable? Is my perspective of scripture producing unhealthy guilt?"

Other things that tumble in this noggin:
Envy [why do they get praised? why am i not being recognized?] Source: vanity & pride.

Jealousy [i want to be in a relationship that seems that comfortable. I want enough money as to not worry] Source: ingratitude.

Obsession [For some reason, nearly everything reminds me of one person whom I loved. I constantly hope they will email me or call me, or show up]. Source: inability to grasp reality.

I desire clarity. I desire to live joyfully, calmly, graciously, gratefully.

What steps do I need to get there?
Practice gratitude. Practice joy in others' accomplishments. Practice meditating on reality and seeking advice (I esteem the counseling field).
Is it so simple? Yes. All things are input and habit based. What am I "feeding" my mind, emotions, and body? What habits do I need to change?

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